Friday, January 24, 2014

Remedy For Windows Malware on Android Devices Connected to PC's

According to Computerworld, researchers from Symantec found a Trojan program which installs mobile banking malware on Android devices connected to PC's.  What the Trojan does on a Windows PC is downloads 3 files: a DLL file, a ADB file and an APK file.  The DLL file runs a program on Windows that installs the ADB file.  ADB is the acronym for Android Debug Bridge, which is the program allowing two way file exchanges between an Android device and a Windows PC.  The APK file is the malware app which is installed on the Android device to steal banking information from a user when he/she conducts online banking transactions.

However, it is only effective if the Android device is in "USB debugging" mode.  Therefore, if "USB debugging" is OFF on your Android device, you can breathe a huge sigh of relief.  However, you should make sure that your Anti-Virus software deletes the following files from your PC if they are found:

  • Trojan.Droidpak (DLL File)
  • Android.Fakebank.B (AV-cdk.apk File)
  • Android Debug Bridge (adb.exe File)
Keep in mind Android Debug Bridge is not a malicious file.  You may already have this installed on your Windows PC to allow your Android device to connect with your Windows PC.  It's the DLL and APK files which need to be deleted because they exploit the legitimate ADB command tool to perform malicious actions on Android.

If you plan to continue to be a Windows user, you will have to monitor this situation regularly with your Anti-Virus software and make sure your Android device has "USB debugging" set to OFF.

If you don't want to deal with this regularly, you might want to migrate to a Linux PC instead.  Either install a Linux partition on your Windows PC so that you can dual boot Linux and Windows.  Surf the web and open email when you're on Linux and boot into Windows if you have to work on native Windows applications.  Or you could just buy a Linux laptop from Linux vendors.  If you found this useful, please share this with your friends who are Android users as well.

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